Atta Water Reps
Join our community of monthly donors
bringing clean water to people in need.

Together we can end the water crisis!

Become a Water Rep and support ATTA’s work. The best part? Your contributions will go towards providing families access to clean drinking water around the world!

Join the community as we take you on a journey by giving you an exclusive look at our impact in Vietnam, El Salvador, Guatemala, Colombia, Cambodia, Honduras, United States, and even some more private locations we do not publicize online.

Water is essential to life and we know people who are in desperate need of clean water. Join us in helping provide those families what is most essential, clean water.

Tamera Housley on Clean Water

Adam & Tamera Housley

"Water is such an essential element for everyones life. We often take it for granted sometimes because we have it so readily available and clean. We would love for that same kind of opportunity to be happening all around the globe so that everyone has an opportunity to have free clean fresh water at all times. Thats why we love what One ATTA Time is doing. They have made it so affordable to be able to ensure that a family can be able to drink clean water for the next 20 years. It’s probably one of the easiest decisions and support anybody can make."


Michael Hidalgo

“In 2019, I had the privilege of traveling with One Atta Time and witnessing their incredible work in Vietnam. I thought I was going to see people getting access to clean water; what I really saw was the transformation of lives. Through the work of One Atta Time, local citizens are able to bring clean water to their communities, and in doing so enable families to thrive. They no longer are forced to spend money treating water born illnesses, nor do their children miss school due to sickness that comes with lacking access to clean water. The families we visited and learned from now have a sustainable solution, and because of that they are able to use the money they save on medicine to buy nutritious food, launch businesses and send their children to school. This is why my wife and I enthusiastically give to One Atta Time. It’s not just giving to help people get access to clean water, it’s giving toward transformed lives, families and communities.”

Michael Hidalgo

“In 2019, I had the privilege of traveling with One Atta Time and witnessing their incredible work in Vietnam. I thought I was going to see people getting access to clean water; what I really saw was the transformation of lives. Through the work of One Atta Time, local citizens are able to bring clean water to their communities, and in doing so enable families to thrive. They no longer are forced to spend money treating water born illnesses, nor do their children miss school due to sickness that comes with lacking access to clean water. The families we visited and learned from now have a sustainable solution, and because of that they are able to use the money they save on medicine to buy nutritious food, launch businesses and send their children to school. This is why my wife and I enthusiastically give to One Atta Time. It’s not just giving to help people get access to clean water, it’s giving toward transformed lives, families and communities.”



Roxy & Skylar Chaput

"We are so thankful to be involved with a non-profit like ATTA! Seeing the passion behind the people who make it possible to get clean water to people around the world is something so special. The value of clean, drinkable water is truly underestimated especially in the US, so it’s really rad to be able to give monthly to ATTA and know how many lives are being changed and impacted by such a simple act of giving. People around the world are blessed and given a more abundant live because of ATTA and we are so proud to play even just a small part in that."





Every Filter is Tracked

Help change the world!

Every filter we distribute is tracked and followed up on. We care deeply about sustainability and we want to make sure that every filter we give, is being used, and will continue to do so for years to come.

We have ongoing projects in eight countries:
Vietnam, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Cambodia, The Caribbean, and the USA

Help change the world!

Transparency is one of our key values. Which is why we have the highest rating through Candid and are fully accredited by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance. To learn more about our organization feel free to click on either emblem.

One Percent for Water

Every Filter is Tracked

Every filter we distribute is tracked and followed up on. We care deeply about sustainability and we want to make sure that every filter we give, is being used, and will continue to do so for years to come.

We have ongoing projects in eight countries:
Vietnam, Colombia, El Salvador, Uganda, Mexico, Fiji, The Caribbean, and the USA

Help change the world!
Help change the world!

Transparency is one of our key values. Which is why we have the highest rating through GuideStar and are fully accredited by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance. To learn more about our organization feel free to click on either emblem.

better business
One Percent for Water

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