
we offer three experiences:

We are committed to providing families around the globe with access to clean water. The stories of life change, health, and economic benefits are countless. While a picture may be worth a thousand words, nothing can replace experiencing the impact of clean water firsthand. This is why we offer ATTA experiences. We know that if you join us on these experiences, you will see why we are so passionate about what bringing clean water to people in need can do,
One ATTA Time!"

The Filter Experience

A Filter Experience is a hands-on opportunity for people to learn about the global water crisis, experience assembling water filters, understand their impact around the world, and become part of the solution.

  • A talk by an ATTA Team Member
  • Filters
  • Promotional material
  • Videos
  • Merchandise

If you are interested in hosting a filter experience, fill out the form below.


Buckets of Change

Fill a bucket, change a life.

Buckets symbolize the daily struggles faced by millions who lack access to clean water, often used to gather and transport water from distant, contaminated sources. Our Buckets of Change campaign includes a discussion on the global water crisis and our solutions. It empowers individuals to make a tangible difference in the lives of others, demonstrating how small actions can lead to significant changes. By filling buckets with spare change, participants help transform these symbols of hardship into vessels of hope, providing clean water and improved health to communities in need. For more information, fill out the form below.

The Field Experience

Join us for a Field Experience and witness firsthand how our filters transform lives. This journey takes us to some of the most remote areas in the world, requiring resilience and determination from our participants. If you're ready for what could be the adventure of a lifetime, we believe you're up for the challenge. Interested in embarking on a Field Experience? Please fill out the form below to express your interest.


Gives 3 families water filter kits every year!
Each filter can last 10+ years.