An Interview with Israel Camargo and Pastora Lady in Colombia | During COVID-19

An Interview with Israel Camargo and Pastora Lady in Colombia | During COVID-19

Sharing a glimpse of life inside the countries we serve as the Covid 19 “shelter in place” scenario continues around the world is one of our important ways of keeping our ATTA community updated.  It is so helpful to hear, from the boots on the ground perspective, what is happening.  We are not only meeting the need for clean water, but now helping to meet the added need for food to those facing starvation.  We asked Israel Camargo, our partner in Colombia, what it is like in his area, and how help was being provided to those in need.  In this interview, Israel shared his thoughts and the difficulties the people of Colombia are facing, along with the ways that help is being provided.

1.  How have things changed in Colombia with this Coronavirus/Covid 19 situation and what are the living conditions like?

Things have changed a lot. You can see starvation and need even in places where there was not before, for example, in the middle class. Conditions have changed because people cannot go out to make a living and this is starting a social and economic problem because people have no money to cover their responsibilities (food, bills, rent).  This is when conflicts start.

2.  We are hearing the greatest need of the people there is for food. How are you working to bring food to the people in need?

Yes, the problem now is not having anything to eat. Without working there is no money to be able to buy food because here in Colombia, the majority of people work and get our money day by day.  The way I have been able to help is by giving my time and effort to the church where I belong, which has given a lot of help to our people.  I buy, pack, and distribute the food packages that have been delegated to me in the places where there is a real need.

3.  Tell us about your passion to help people obtain food and your partnerships with non- profit organizations like One ATTA Time to fulfill this great need.

In his time God has placed on my heart giving from what he has already given me, and I can do it by being a volunteer in my local church “Sin Muros Ministerio Internacional”.  It has also been a great blessing to be able to help One ATTA Time and help so many families.

 4.  Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your personal journey?
I am Israel Camargo.  I am married and I have a family with 4 children. I work independently, I have a restaurant of typical Colombia food (Colombian style meat especially) which has been closed since the quarantine started. I became a Christian 2 years ago and I thank God for letting me know about him.

5. Is there anything else you would like to share with the audience of the One ATTA Time newsletter? 

 It is a beautiful work to be able to help someone without expecting anything in return. I think to live the experience firsthand, see the smile and happiness in someone´s face that has received an answer from God through this food package or even only one “God bless you” is priceless. Don’t stop being good and kind because the reward is even greater from what you give. Thank you for helping so many families.

 Following the interview with Israel, we were also provided with answers from a Sister’s perspective who is a Pastor of a local church in one of the most oppressed neighborhoods:

1.  How have things changed in Colombia with this Coronavirus/Covid 19 situation and what are the living conditions like?

The country’s situation, which was complex before the virus, now has worsened. The Colombians economic situation is that 70% of them had informal jobs (Colombia´s informal economy) what we in Colombia call “el rebusque” (It could mean street vending).   The arrival of the mandatory quarantine unbalanced many of these families as their only way of income vanished, and this has drawn us to starvation and poverty.  

2.  We are hearing the greatest need of the people there is for food. How are you working to bring food to the people in need?

Firstly, praying to God that he might place in the heart of many people the solidarity desire, the love, and mercy of how Jesus Christ is our Lord.  Then knocking on doors, talking with believer friends and non-believer friends, and responding to those petitions and prayers help has come. Food packages were organized with the basics that are most needed.     

3.  Tell us about your passion to help people obtain food and your partnerships with non- profit organizations like One ATTA Time to fulfill this great need.

 The passion has grown as a result of God´s answer.  I see the positive response since we have given a transparent and honest testimony that is supported by photos, videos, and audios of people that have been transformed inside their hearts because they have received food in this time of crisis. People want to keep helping because their hearts have been moved to mercy. They know that even when a donation is really small it can contribute a little bit to mitigate starvation and poverty, knowing that they are instruments in the hands of a living God.  Knowing His works will not remain on earth and God can compensate for their work meeting their own needs. 

4.  Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your personal journey?

 Well, the truth is that social work has been my passion my whole life, watching over the needy whether this person is an elderly, a child, or people socially vulnerable. However, I experienced myself the most difficult situation, which I felt beyond any other, when my 16 year old son passed away because of cancer.  God gave me a new approach and social work became my lifestyle.  This came as a rebirth and a new stage to replace the pain and my saddened heart.

Now that I am a Pastor of a church in one of the most oppressed neighborhoods in the city, I live more closely with the starving, poverty and crime situations.  This leads me to not eat peacefully knowing that there are people that do not even have a dish of food per day. That is why I work to get those resources with an organization like One ATTA Time, now more than ever.        

5. Is there anything else you would like to share with the audience of the One ATTA Time newsletter?

Brothers and sisters, it is very difficult to share the gospel when people are starving and in need, only giving them the Word of God is not enough. To come to their lives and fulfill their needs, even if it is for a little bit, will open not only their lives but their hearts to accept a real Christ, compassionate, merciful, and full of love. This was his teaching.

Thank you very much. It is a privilege and honor to know that you listen to my experiences. May God bless you.

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