Casa blanca Morazán Distribution
Jessica and Alejandra
Location: El Salvador
We recently distributed 100 filters to mothers in Casa Blanca Morazán region. In this area, they have an average of 4-5 kids per family. Many of these families spend a lot of money to purchase water sachets so that their little kids don’t get sick.
Jessica and Alejandra are the youngest moms of the whole group. They shared with us how the whole community often collects water from a pipe used for irrigation in the community, but it is filled with dirt and debris. Ever since they where little girls they remember constantly dealing with worms and stomach issues. After talking with these mothers they thanked us for bringing the blessing of clean water to their families.
They are so excited that their kids Rabi (4 months old) and Mailyn (4 months old) will grow up having access to clean drinking water and not have to deal with the same stomach issues they had to deal with.
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