Conchallio Distribution
Location: La Libertad
On Tuesday 9th of August we returned to Conchallio at La Libertad with another Christian surfers group. When we arrived at the community was split into three groups, one with Abril, one with Enmanuel and one with Davisito, a pastor at Heaven Church. We went house by house installing the filters and making connections with the families.
We met a family that really touched our hearts, the lady who welcomed us at the house was Jesus Escobar, her friends call her Chusita. She had a son in very bad condition, his name is Erick. He was really sick and had to stay in bed all day, because of this his body had bed sores all over and it is hard for them to keep it clean. When Chusita saw the filter she knew that it would be extremely useful for have clean water to keep her son’s sores clean. Now she is very hopeful that here son will recover quicker.
She was very grateful for the gift of clean water because now they have water that they can drink and cook with, as well as clean water to help heal her child's wounds.
In partnership with Christian Surfers El Salvador.
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