Executive Director, Sean Kappauf, Takes One ATTA Time’s Message to 1,000 Santiago Charter Middle School Students in Orange
Executive Director: Sean Kappauf, Takes ATTA's Message to 1,000 Santiago Charter Middle School Students in Orange
Sean was recently invited to be the keynote speaker at a special assembly for 1,000 middle school students in 7th and 8th grade at Santiago Charter Middle School in Orange, California. Trish Hill, the PTSA President invited Sean because she believed the work that One ATTA Time is doing would be great for the students to hear about. In a February interview with Trish, she shared some of the highlights of the assembly, the reactions of the students and parents, and the amazing engagement of that middle school community with ATTA.
Below are some of the questions we asked Trish, and her answers during the interview.
1. Sean indicated that this was an amazing event. What, from your perspective, were the highlights?
When he made the joke that the dirty water didn’t come from our school but from our rival school, MacPherson. The kids laughed at that. Also when he drank the water that had just been filtered. I think they also connected when he was speaking about feeling numb and apathetic, as a lot of middle school kids feel that way.
2. What made you reach out to Sean and One ATTA Time to speak to the students?
We go to the Crossing where Sean worked several years before he started the non- profit, One ATTA Time. After coming and speaking there during a service, I spoke with him about it as I thought it was a great cause and would be good for the kids to hear about.
3. How did the students react to the information they learned and any activities that occurred?
The students contributed money to give to Sean for One ATTA Time to help families and children in need of clean water. They seemed to react positively and the Principle asked for information about One ATTA Time, just in case students wanted to offer their time as volunteers.
4. What do you see as the event's greatest accomplishment and do you have additional comments that may provide our newsletter readers with a story they will enjoy?
After the speech one of the students’ grandmother, who was from El Salvador, came up crying and asked for a picture so she could show friends and family Sean, who was helping children and families gain access to clean water down in El Salvador. There were several teachers that spoke with me personally and commented on how much they enjoyed it and were truly impressed with the goals of the organization. Also, a parent spoke with him about potentially getting sponsors for the non-profit, which speaks to the effectiveness of his message.
In Sean’s words “It was an amazing event. I spoke in front of 1,000 students and they raised over $500.00”.
Sharing the message of One ATTA Time and the work being done to save the lives of children and families around the world is an important element of our mission and purpose. Touching lives worldwide and right here at home is making a difference to so many children and families. ATTA has a positive, meaningful message appropriate for audiences of all ages.
If you are interested in having Sean speak at an assembly for students, at a corporate meeting, at a festival or event, please feel free to contact him at seank@oneattatime.org to schedule him as a keynote speaker or panelist.
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