Sofía Morales’ Story
Sofía Morales
Location: El Salvador
Sofia is a girl from San Alfonso, Majahual La libertad. She has been struggling with Diarrhea since she was a baby, the water that she has been drinking has affected her stomach and she was continuously sick. Her family has had to spend a lot of money on treatments and various sources of water, but even the bags of water she gets, often make her sick. Sofia and her family have struggled with this problem for almost six years.
A few months ago we had our first distribution at San Alfonso, Majahual and Her mom received one of our water filters. On our second trip to San Alfonso, there were families who were telling us the story of Sofia. Sofia heard we were doing another distribution so she came with her Mom and began telling our team her story. Sofía hasn’t been sick since the day she started drinking clean water from the filter, she is so grateful to finally be healthy and feel good. Her mom was so happy to tell us, that she hasn’t needed to spend monty on water or medicine either.
Sofia is happy, healthy and full of joy!
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